This year SRHA circuit
is sponsored by Lucky Rider Magazine and the shows are:
Spring Break 1 & 2,
Åstorp 28-30 April
Norway Open 2006, Hamar - Norge 5-6 May
Midsummer Western Games, Timrå 1-2 July
September Rundown, Grevagården Skövde 22-24 September.
At the end of the year
Lucky Rider Magazine will present a Pewter Trophy to the Champion
in Open, Limited Open, Non Pro and Limited Non Pro. Champions
in Intermediate Open, Intermediate Non Pro, Rookie, Youth 13 &
under, Youth 14-18 will receive a beautiful bronze plaque as will
the Reserve Champions in all classes.
Open class results
go by the horse and its owner, and the Non Pro and Youth classes
go by the horse and rider combination. The riders will have to
compete in at least three of these shows, and be current members
of the Swedish Reining Horse Association to be able to win the
awards. The awards will be presented to the winners at the 2006
SRHA Convention by SRHA partner, Lucky Rider Magazine. You will
find more information about the shows and Swedish reining on our
website www.srha.nu