Cooled semen will be available for Europe!
DQHA and NSBA Futurity paid in
Rojo Solo Cup
Show Record:
2017 AQHA World Ranking High Point Horse Senior Green Western
Pleasure Open
2017 AQHA World Ranking High Point 3rd Aged Stallions Open
2017 DQHA High Point Horse Aged Stallions Open
2017 DQHA High Point Horse Aged Stallions Amateur
2017 DQHA High Point Horse Green Western Pleasure Open
2017 DQHA Reserve High Point Horse Green Trail Open (45.5 Trail
Points in his first season of being shown in Trail)
2017 DQHA Reserve High Point Horse Performance Stallions Open
2017 DQHA Reserve High Point Horse Performance Stallions Amateur
2017 European Champion Aged Stallions Open
2017 European Champion Aged Stallions Amateur
Grand Champion under all judges (10 times)
2017 European Championship Circuit Champion Green Western Pleasure
2017 European Championship 3rd Green Trail Open
Q17 Reserve Champion Green Western Pleasure Open
Q17 top five Green Trail Open
Q17 International Reserve Champion Performance Stallions Open
2016 European Champion Aged Stallions Open
2016 European Champion Aged Stallions Amateur
2016 European Championship 6th Junior Western Pleasure Open
Q16 International Reserve German Champion Aged Stallions Open
(lost in a tie)
Q16 International German Champion Aged Stallions Amateur
Q16 4th Junior Western Pleasure Open
Q16 4th Green Western Pleasure Open
Total of:
36 Grand Champion Titel
22 Reserve Champion Titel
62 Halter Points
95,5 Open Performance Points
4 time European Champion
in just two seasons
Now some words from
me about Toby...
Not all of us have the luck to find the “love at first sight”.
But this is what happened to me and Toby 2012 at the World Show.
My heart told me right away that he’s a really special one.
Our bond is so strong and it is based on trust to each other!
I think a lot of you know about the riding accident of my dad
in February 2015. These pictures in my head couldn’t let
me sleep and ride a horse several weeks. It was just horrible.
But guess which horse I choosed the day when I stepped back in
the saddle...”Toby”!
“Toby” was for sure the one because I always can count
on him!
I enjoy working and training or just a little ride without a saddle
or having some cuddle time with him every single day!
If he would be human I would marry him ride away because this
is true love based on trust!!!
Just love him ??
Thanks to Joan Logan
Schroeder for breeding such a outstanding horse. Thanks to JR
Reichert for being the help to bring him over to Europe. Thanks
to the Udsen family for your trust in Toby and me over several
years and to give him time to let him grow to become a healthy,
happy show horse! And of course thanks to our new partner on Toby.
I’m really looking forward to our journey. There is more
to come!

Fragen? Die 20 wittelsbuerger.com-Experten helfen
gerne weiter,
z.B. Pat Faitz, Sylvia Katschker und Sylvia Jäckle für den
Bereich AQHA.
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