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AQHA: Die Änderungen im Regelbuch ab 2008
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Über 1.000 AQHA-Direktoren, Mitglieder, Partner und Gäste versammelten sich in Houston zur AQHA Convention. Wie jedes Jahr konnten im Vorfeld bereits Anregungen und Änderungsvorschläge bezüglich der Regeln an die Committees geleitet werden. Hier nun die Regeländerungen, die am 1.1. 2008 in Kraft treten (sofern nicht anders angegeben). Wir veröffentlichen die Rule Changes hier auf englisch der Genauigkeit halber

Es wird ein weiteres W. Riding- und Versatility Ranch Horse-Pattern geben, das 5-Millionste Quarter Horse in diesem Jahr eingetragen sowie die Penalties für Trails verändert. Besonders interessante Passagen haben wir unterstrichen.


Amateur Committee
· Approved allowing an amateur at the Bayer Select World Championship Show and the Bank of America Amateur World Championship Show to substitute for a deceased horse as is currently done at the Ford AQHYA World Championship Show.
· Approved allowing leased horses to be shown in the novice divisions. The lease must be for a period of at least six months, and the lease must be recorded with AQHA on a current lease agreement

Finance Committee
· Approved finance committee guidelines of committee and member responsibilities.
· Approved the schedules of 2006 investment performance.
· Approved all actions of the investment oversight committee for the last year.
· Approved the current investment policy statement and schedules.
· Approved the September 30, 2006, fiscal statement of Position and Activities.

Equine Research
· Funded the following proposals in the amount of $495,690.49
1. Colorado State University – “Evaluation of Kisspeptin and its Role in the Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in the Mare” for $34,278.00
2. Kansas State University – “Development of a Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach to Arthrodesis of the Osteoarthritic Equine Proximal Interphalangeal Joint” for $19,442.00
3. Michigan State University – “Tissue Perfusion of Equine Foot in Navicular Syndrome, Using Doppler Ultrasound” for $22,330.00
4. Mississippi State University – “Regional Differences in Tensile Strength and Biochemical Composition of Tissues from Horses with Hyperelastosis Cutis (aka Hereditary Regional Dermal Asthenia)” for $29,340.00
5. Ohio State University – “The Effects of a Steroid and Local Anesthetic Alone, and in Combination, as an Effective Intra-Articular Medication in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lameness in the Horse” for $26,212.49
6. Oklahoma State University – “Investigating Equine Arteritis Virus Transmission Risks with Embryo Transfer in Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Embryo Donor Mares for $106,589.00
7. University of Florida – “In Vitro Efficacy of an Ophthalmic Drug Combination for Equine Keratitis” for $6,700.00
8. University of Georgia – “Correlation between Circulating Endotoxin and Inflammatory Activation after a Standardized Exercise Test” for $58,296.00
9. University of Illinois – “The Use of Tendon Derived Progenitor Cells to Promote Tendon Healing in Horses” for $47,736.00
10. University of Kentucky – “Development of Real-Time PCR-Based Diagnostic Assays for Detection of Virus Infections in Horses” for $24,407.00
11. University of Minnesota – “Diffusion of Triamcinolone Acetonide from the Equine Distal Interphalangeal Joint into the Navicular Bursa” for $14,725.00
12. University of Minnesota – “Genetic Analysis of Glycogen Storage Disorders in Quarter Horses” for $55,620.00
13. University of Tennessee – “Effects of Resting Insulin Sensitivity on the Acute Response to Endotoxin in Horses” for $50,015.00

Foundation Committee
· Approved the America’s Horse Cares/therapeutic riding subcommittee recommendation to accept the financial grading summary for use in evaluating the financial status of America’s Horse Cares grant applications.
· Approved the America’s Horse Cares/therapeutic riding subcommittee recommendation to accept the funding priority statement as follows:
· American Quarter Horse Foundation encourages the submission of therapeutic riding grants from organizations serving those with emotional, physical and cognitive limitations in support of purchase of suitable therapy horses, safety equipment for riders/equines and scholarship programs to assist clients
Funding decisions will be based upon funding requirements outlined in the application, the applicant’s ability to adhere to the funding areas above, to demonstrate efficient management of their facility and financial need.
· Approved the America’s Horse Cares/therapeutic riding subcommittee recommendation that applicants may reapply for grants in the same funding area.
· Approved the America’s Horse Cares/therapeutic riding subcommittee recommendation that organizations previously funded must submit a year-end update in order to be eligible to apply for another grant.
· Approved the America’s Horse Cares/therapeutic riding subcommittee recommendation that the following items must be included in required year-end updates: description of how funds were used and the impact funding had on the organization; a summary of how many students benefited from the grant and how; and a summary of how the center’s horses were affected.

Foundation Council
· Approved the addition of Tim Petty to the campaign cabinet.
· Approved a reprioritization with a focus on fundraising for the Foundation Endowment for the next 9-18 months with a goal of $10 million.
· Approved all proceeds from AQHA Ride program be dedicated to area of greatest need unless otherwise indicated by the donor. The Foundation Council recommends allowing the state affiliates trail ride proceeds go to area of greatest need unless otherwise specified by the affiliate.
· Approved suspending the annual signature concert event in 2007, typically hosted during the Select World by the Foundation, to concentrate on Hall of Fame promotions.
· Approved supporting the AAEP Lameness Symposium on August 1, 2007, in Fort Collins, Colorado.

International Committee
· Approved reprimanding the following countries for violation of international affiliate rules - Chile, Ireland, Japan and Spain.
· Approved accepting Poland as a recognized AQHA affiliate.
· Approved meeting in breakout groups (Europe, Mexico/Central and South America, Oceana and all others) within the international committee while at Convention

Judges Committee
· Approved a tiered system for specialized judges.
· Approved clarifying trail class penalties.
· Approved changes in deductions:

1/2 Point
· Each tick of log, pole, cone, plant, or any component of the obstacle
1 Point
· Each bite of or hit of or stepping on a log, cone, plant or any component of the obstacle
· Incorrect or break of gait at walk or jog for two strides or less
· Both front or hind feet in a single-strided slot or space
· Skipping over or failing to step into required space
· Split pole in lope-over

3 Point
· Incorrect or break of gait at walk or jog for more than 2 strides
· Out of lead or break of gait at lope (except when correcting an incorrect lead)
· Knocking down an elevated pole, cone, barrel, planet, obstacle, or severely disturbing an obstacle.
· Stepping outside of the confines of, falling or jumping off or out of obstacle with one foot once the foot has entered obstacle; including missing one element of an obstacle on a line of travel with one foot

5 Point
· Dropping slicker or object required to be carried on course
· First or second cumulative refusal, balk or evading an obstacle by shying or backing
· Letting go of gate or dropping rope gate
· Use of either hand to instill fear or praise
· Stepping outside the confines of, falling or jumping off or our of an obstacle with more than one foot once the foot has entered obstacle; including missing one element of an obstacle on a line of travel with more than one foot
· Blatant disobedience (including kicking out, bucking, rearing, striking)
· Faults, which occur on the line of travel between obstacles, scored according to severity:
(1) head carried too high
(2) head carried too low (tip of ear below the withers)
(3) over-flexing or straining neck in head carriage so the nose is carried behind the vertical
(4) excessive nosing out
(5) opening mouth excessively

0 Score
· Use of two hands (except in snaffle bit or hackamore classes designated for two hands) or changing hands on reins; except for junior horses shown with hackamore or snaffle bit, only one hand may be used on the reins, except that it is permissible to change hands to work an obstacle as outlined in 443
· Use of romal other than as outlined in 443
· Performing the obstacle incorrectly or other than in specified order
· No attempt to perform an obstacle
· Equipment failure that delays completion of pattern
· Excessively or repeatedly touching the horse on the neck to lower the head
· Entering or exiting an obstacle from the incorrect side or direction
· Working obstacle the incorrect direction; including overturns of more than 1/4 turn
· Riding outside designated boundary marker of the arena or course area
· Third cumulative refusal, balk, or evading an obstacle by shying or backing
· Failure to ever demonstrate correct gait between obstacle as designated
· Failure to follow the correct line of travel between obstacles
· Faults that occur on the line of travel between obstacles, which will be cause for disqualification, except in novice amateur or novice youth classes, which shall be faults scored according to severity:
(1) head carried too low (tip of ear below the withers consistently)
(2) over-flexing or straining neck in head carriage so the nose is carried behind the vertical consistently

· Approved 18 of the 29 applicants to attend the 2007 AQHA judges qualifying exam.
· Approved 15 of the 22 applicants to attend the 2007 AQHA specialized orientation session.

Marketing Committee
· Approved the AQHA television update, an update and discussion on AQHA’s television for 2007, including “America’s Horse” and its future.
· Approved Hispanic marketing consultant update. In December 2003, AQHA retained the services of Inventiva, a San Antonio-based marketing and research firm specializing in the Hispanic market.
· Approved Registration 5,000,000. In 2007, AQHA will mark registration number 5,000,000. The committee discussed ways to commemorate this significant milestone, including ways the number might be used as a fund-raiser for the Foundation.
· Approved new marketing plan.

Membership Services

· Amended rule 102(h)(10) to allow an AQHA life membership to be changed back to the original purchaser after an initial change in life status is made (marriage, divorce, death) by filing with AQHA a copy of judicial decree, written evidence of marriage, divorce or death.
· Approved working with the show task force to identify ways to recognize non-AQHA show exhibitors
· Approved staff research implementing an installment payment plan for all membership categories, as well as a payment till-for-bid system.
· Approved supporting the AQHA departmental educational efforts to meet the educational needs of horsemen and to encourage the participation of future horsemen.
· Approved the marketing committee evaluating a presence on RFD-TV.

Professional Horsemen Committee
· Approved conducting one Professional Horsemen’s “Road Show” as a test program in 2007.
· Approved a rule prohibiting a member of the Professional Horsemen’s Council from winning the national MVP award.
· Approved recognizing the leading performance sire and dam and leading halter sire and dam whose offspring enter and compete in the greatest number of classes at the AQHA World Championship Show.

Public Policy Committee
· Approved AQHA continuing its opposition to the provisions of state or federal legislation intended to prohibit the humane end-of-life process for horses.
· Approved that AQHA assist in the drafting, introduction, and passage of legislation intended to strengthen the humane treatment of horses that may be destined for processing. Such legislation should include provisions that address:
1. enforcement of humane transport from the sale to processing facility; continued assurance for humane end-of-life processes; theft prevention provisions; and provisions to protect an owner from unknowingly sending a horse to processing.
· Approved that AQHA work proactively to educate its members and the general public on the consequences of eliminating a humane end-of-life process for unwanted horses and continue to educate horse owners on responsible ownership and breeding.
· Approved that AQHA work with the American Horse Council to:
1. support Right to Ride Legislation;
2. ensure that horses are included as livestock in any permanent federal disaster authority in the Farm Bill;
3. ensure that horses are included as livestock in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program in the Farm Bill;
4. support increased funding in the Market Access Program in the Farm Bill;
5. support broad immigration reform, including the Ag Jobs Bill and H-2B reform;
6. support the Equine Equity Act; and
7. support the HIPPA Recreational Injury Technical Correction Act.
· Approved that the PAC subcommittee explore the viability of being able to contribute to state political races.
· Approved that a task force be appointed to explore the viability of horse retirement facilities for AQHA members.

Racing Committee

· Approved staff’s recommendation to use American Quarter Horse Race Track Association funds via the Hispanic marketing plan.
· Approved listing a summary of stakes results, including top-three finishers in detail with names, year foaled, sex, pedigree, owner, trainer, jockey, breeder, time and remaining order of finish (not including editorial coverage) in front of The American Quarter Horse Racing Journal subscriber wall.
· Approved the following items from the Racing Technology and Information Task Force report: 1) To research statistics on average winning speed indexes, speed ratings and times for each year by age, sex, distance and track; a median for each and any other relevant trends discovered; 2) for AQHA staff to report with a plan to purchase wind gauges at all tracks, including type, cost, installation and location of gauges; 3) For graded stakes races to retain their graded status, the host track must install a camera on all AQHA races to report position calls to Equibase; 4) For staff to study the feasibility of requiring all AQHA tracks to install cameras at the 1/8th pole, including possible vendors.
· Approved to further study the recommendation to add the following to the Champions Selection Committee guidelines: Any person who is a voter on the committee and is recorded by AQHA as the current owner, trainer or breeder of a horse on the ballot shall abstain from voting in the first particular category in which the horse is eligible for an award.
· Approved the racing committee chair to appoint a subcommittee of five to discuss the Champions Selection Committee voting guidelines pertaining to abstaining voters.
· Approved the previously appointed subcommittee to also research tying owner and breeder records together for purposes of determining Champion Owner and Breeder awards.
· Approved redistributing stallion owner awards (3 percent of total purse of each regional and championship race) to Championship night as follows: 25 percent to the Distaff; 25 percent to the Distance; and 50 percent to the Championship beginning in 2008.
· Approved the following purse distribution for regional and championship races:
Place 10 9 8 7 6 5
Horses Horses Horses Horses Horses Horses
1st 46% 47% 48% 49% 50% 52%
2nd 20% 20% 20.5% 21% 21.5% 23%
3rd 10% 10% 10% 10.5% 11% 11.5%
4th 7% 7% 7% 7% 7.5% 7.5%
5th 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
6th 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%
7th 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
8th 2% 2% 2%
9th 1.5% 1.5%
10th 1%
· Approved that if substantial additional funds become available, provided that regional purses will not be affected negatively, the additional funds will be allocated with the following priorities: 1) increase the Championship purse to $500,000, 2) increase the Distaff purse to $200,000, 3) increase the Distance purse to $150,000. Once these levels are reached, funding priorities on all races will be re-evaluated.
· Approved supporting AQHA efforts in assisting affiliates and racetracks to develop local sponsorships with focus on supplemental stakes and regional Challenge races.
· Approved investigating highlighting regional Challenge and Supplemental Stakes races on TVG.
· Approved maintaining the current Challenge enrollment fee schedule.
· Approved distributing all Challenge nominator awards one-time each year prior to the first of December.
· Approved adding the Supplemental Stakes into the Challenge awards point program as follows: 1st – 5, 2nd – 4, 3rd – 3, 4th – 2 and 5th – 1.
· Approved eliminating the Challenge race nomination grace period.
· Approved using the following priorities to determine whether time trials will be held for the Championship, Distaff or Distance regional races if the entries to trials fail to exceed the track maximum field policy by two horses:
1. Run trials with trial purses as submitted to and approved by AQHA.
2. Four-year-olds and up will be preferred over 3-year-olds.
3. Give the host facility the discretion to assign preference by using a panel of six people predetermined by the Racing Council to assign preference via signed fax (a minimum of three votes must be received).
· Approved that the Racing Committee review Challenge regional alignment.
· Approved AQHA and its members encouraging racetracks and horsemen’s organizations to enhance regional Challenge trial purses.

Racing Council
· Approved staff to research current graded stakes guidelines and to develop a plan giving specific long-term goals to the graded stakes committee, including directives for purse structure, quality of fields and distribution of grades.
· Approved the racing committee report with exception of changing item 16 to read as follows: To eliminate the grace period for any Challenge race payments.
· Approved appointing a task force to study all aspects of the Challenge program.
· Approved staff to continue with the track promotional grant program to increase attendance and participation at the AQHA Racing Conference.
· Approved racing affiliate grants to: Iowa Quarter Horse Racing Association; Minnesota Quarter Horse Racing Association; Kentucky Quarter Horse Association; Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association; Kansas Quarter Horse Association; Florida Quarter Horse Racing Association pending verification of its racing permit and verification of acceptable legislation.
· Approved sending staff to Brazil to pursue the racing program and funding and retaining a racing representative in Brazil.
· Approved Portland Meadows request to host a supplemental stakes race to replace the cancelled Western Montana Fair Supplemental Stakes race pending there is not a conflict with the schedule at Sun Downs.
· Approved $25,000 for the Oklahoma Quarter Horse Racing Association for pending simulcasting litigation.
· Approved giving $10,000 each to Hamilton Downs and The Red Mile for 2007 supplemental stakes races.

Recreational Riding
· Approved developing a task force to study methods for AQHA affiliates to enhance their support of AQHA recreational riding coordinators.
· Approved staff to send a letter to AQHA affiliate presidents outlining the importance of recreational activities at the grassroots level and to encourage their affiliates direct support in providing recreational opportunities.
· Approved discussing the importance of Director involvement and support in recreational activities for the home-based horseman market at the June Directors meeting.
· Approved the Trail Trotters Program.
· Approved having staff investigate the ability for AQHA members to record hours ridden at an AQHA Ride event on the horse’s permanent record.
· Approved staff to investigate all mounted shooting associations to see whether AQHA should be involved with that type of activity.
· Approved educating AQHA recreational riding coordinators on how to avoid AQHA Ride event funds being donated to groups that might exhibit a differing opinion on industry policies than AQHA.
· Approved moving forward with three family-targeted trail rides in 2007.
· Approved waiving the Horseback Riding Program fee if an AQHA member attends an AQHA Ride event or a nonmember purchases an AQHA membership at an AQHA Ride event.

Show Committee
General Subcommittee
· Approved rules read General Subcommittee holding the saddle with either hand will result in a disqualification, except for speed events or unless the individual event rules specifies otherwise.
· Approved recognizing all-around exhibitors placings for first, second and third places on the show record with a letter of congratulations from AQHA to follow.
· Approved that each class for novice eligibility will become its own skill set.
· Approved automatic enrollment into the Limited Rider program.

Show Management Subcommittee
· Approved fining show management (U.S. and Canada shows) at least $50 per day for every day their show results are late being received by the AQHA office.
· Approved allowing all-novice shows to retain priority dates.

Western Subcommittee
· Amended Rule 454(g), to read, if difficult courses are set, novice trail should be less difficult.
· Amended Rule 454(h), Trail to read, “If disrupted, the course shall be reset. In the case that an obstacle is used in combination, the obstacle cannot be reset until the contestant finishes the entire obstacle.
· Approved adding showmanship to the list of Equestrian with Disabilities classes.
· Approved adopting a new, fifth western riding pattern. Pattern V should be used in smaller indoor or outdoor arenas.
· Approved to amend rule 447 (d)
a) (1) to read extremely poor jog (2) very poor jog (3) poor jog.
b) (1) extremely poor lope (2) very poor lope (3) poor lope.

English Subcommittee
· Approved creating a dressage top-10 year-end recognition program. The top award will go to the highest percentage scoring American Quarter Horse that performs at the highest level at an approved United States Dressage Federation and/or Federation Equestre Internationale event.
· Qualifications: (for awards – training level through Grand Prix)
i. Eight scores, four different judges, four different competitions
ii. FEI levels 58 percent or higher to qualify
· The suggested awards are: first place – saddle; second place – belt buckle; third through 10th place – certificate
· Ties will be broken by the average of the best eight scores
· Committee recommended that an advertising venue is established in The American Quarter Horse Journal and/or America’s Horse.
· No points awarded
• Must compete with registered AQHA name and number
• Exhibitor must be a member of AQHA
• Event judged by United States Equestrian Federation-approved judge(s)
• Is not a World Show event
· Amended Rule 444(f), English Equipment to read: “Only traditional driving bits: half cheek snaffle, Liverpool, elbow driving bit and Bradoon overcheck bits are acceptable.
· Amended rule 465(e)(2) to eliminate the words “and/or wrong diagonal at the trot”

World Show Subcommittee
· Approved the Versatility Ranch Horse World Championship show to be at the National Western Stock Show in Denver in 2008.
· Approved allowing the individual placings under each judge in halter classes at the World Show to be lined up, and each judge will be given the opportunity to review and adjust his line.
· Approved to increase fees at the World Show for the following classes for 2007:
a. 2007 Weanlings $500 Cutting $1,100 Cow Horse $600 Reining $850 2-year-old Pleasure $1,000 Roping/VRH $600 All others $350 (all others includes speed events, team penning and ranch sorting)
· Approved for all three World Shows, in all speed events, barrel racing, pole bending, stake race, team penning and ranch sorting, the preliminary time and the finals time will be added together to determine the final World Show placing.

Versatility Ranch Horse Subcommittee

· Approved a third pattern for working ranch with the following changes: 2 spins right, 2 spins left, 1 right circle (small, slow), 1 left circle (large, fast). After left rollback continue past other end marker, stop, roll back right, proceed past middle marker, stop and back.
· Approved that a show be able to host a separate novice show without a corresponding amateur or open division.
· Approved in ranch trail a 10-point penalty per missed or incorrect completion of an obstacle.
· Approved developing and providing a how to guide for VRH show management.
· Approved that a novice amateur cannot compete on a stallion in the novice division.
· Approved in compliance with rule 405(I)(3) that a university student can compete on a university-owned horse in the novice division.
· Approved recommendations for ranch cutting.
1. Change the penalty for not penning the cow from 0 to 5.
2. Propose a 10-point penalty any time more than one cow enters the pen.
3. That turnback riders cannot assist exhibitor to pen cattle; however, they can prevent herd from scattering and can hold the herd if cow returns to herd.
· Approved 477(i)(5) to read: “In order for a catch to be legal, the loop must hold in front of the shoulders.”

Stud Book and Registration
· Amended Rule 214 (b) by omitting the first sentence, allowing the use of Roman numerals in a horse name.
· Approved that Rule 201(d), (e) and (f) be replaced with a new 201(d) that reads as follows: Registration of Offspring. To protect innocent, third-party owners of offspring that are the product of breedings of previously eligible parents taking place prior to date of cancellation of the certificate of a parent or parents, such offspring are eligible for registration; however, a previously issued certificate shall be recalled to designate the pedigree behind the cancelled parent/s as “unknown.”

Youth Activities Committee

· Approved requiring a youth to file an Official Hardship of Affiliation Application to represent an alternative affiliate on a state/provincial qualified team penning or ranch sorting team.
· Approved appointing a task force to enhance the recognition of youth year-end award winners.
· Approved automatically enrolling exhibitors in the Limited Rider program.
· Approved allowing novice youth to show leased horses. Horses must be leased a minimum of six months.
· Approved appointing a task force to review the awarding of scholarships to female athletes competing within NCAA Women’s Varsity Equestrian.
· Approved the marketing committee to evaluate the development of a cartoon program based on Junior Master Horseman to be aired on the Cartoon Network.
· Approved staff investigating the development of a reward account based on entries to increase youth show entries.
Approved that the youth activities committee meeting at the Ford Youth World not be mandatory; however, business can be conducted if a quorum is present.

Bylaw Change

A governance task force in 2006 recommended and the board of directors approved to establish the nominations & credentials committee as a standing committee to allow additional meeting time to sufficiently address vacancies and seated directors. The committee will meet during the Convention with the same schedule as other standing committees and the chair and vice chair will be appointed.

A second bylaw amendment changed the horse inventory allocation date to coincide with the fiscal year, which ends September 30, versus the calendar year to give sufficient notice of board vacancies. This will allow states and interested applicants more time in advance of the Convention to address board vacancies and/or changes in allocations.

Third, all board members must sign a document titled, Board of Director Policy Statement, which had to be returned to AQHA Executive Director Bill Brewer by April 1.

Committee Chairs
Committee Chair Vice Chair
Amateur Ken Pautzke Dirk Jones
Foundation Angelo Bizzarro Laina McNelis
Equine Research Grant Rezabek Tom Lenz
Finance Jim Barton Marten Clark
International Bobby Harrison Francesca Sternberg
Judges Pete Kyle Al Dunning
Marketing and Public Information GiGi Bailey Patti Colbert
Membership Ron Smith Anne Brezezicki
Nominations and Credentials Johne Dobbs Peter Cofrancesco
Professional Horsemen Bennie Sargent Patti Carter
Public Policy Ralph Seekins Jr. Scott Merritt
Racing Duayne Didericksen To be elected
Recreational Riding Bill Crouch Bobby Hooker
Show Lance Treptow Jim Heird
Stud Book and Registration Bob E. Blakeman Vaughn Cook
Youth Activities Homer Stude Marilyn Randall


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