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4th CZQHA Show bigger than ever
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Czech Quarter Horse Show, which took place on 11th June in Nova Amerika, Zalonov u Jaromere, Czech republic, reached again record in entries: total of 144 entries in 28 classes. According to the reactions, the show was a success. Even our first foreign gustes in performance classes, Tina Ullbrich and Bernd Stamm, said they were satisfied and would come again the next year, which is an honour for us. Great deal of this success is owed to the place itself: the facility of Nova Amerika provides a nice, pleasant and well equiped venue with a nice arena and best reining surface (operator of Nova Amerika: Ivan Cernoch).

For the first time in the history nearly all offered classes were entered (halter, showmasnhip at halter, trail, western pleasure, western riding  - offered for the fist time, western horsemanship – offered for the first time, reining, hunter under saddle and cutting). There were no entries for yearlings, two year olds and three year olds in geldings.


Comparing to the last year the show really grew to last long hours and the number of entries in the classes was remarkable, resembling reputable european events. For example in halter aged mares there were 15 horses in the arena. Who has been in the Czech republic or knows Czech horses and riders acknowledges that there are really good pedigrees and horses with great potentials here. Also the western pleasure open class was no easy task for the judge, when there participated 15 horses. In reining junior we saw 14 entries.

The judge for the day was Carl McCuistion from Oklahoma, a holder of the AQHA, NRHA and NRCHA judging cards, several times world championship title holder and a reputable trainer of reining, roping and working cow horse.

You may find the complete results under www.czqha.cz/asociace. Let us list here short comments on reining:

In reining junior open Karel Barotek won aboard Smart Maky Lena (owner Iva Zezulkova). This horse has Doc O Lena in the fathers pedigrre, mother is by Smart Little Lena. The horse is known mainly from competing under Marketa Zezulkova, one of the best Czech junior riders. Second place was taken by Irena Machalikova, internationally very well known Czech rider, with Peppy Joy Choice, young horse being trained in Ranch Kostelany (owner Vladimir Mandak). This year is Peppy´s first, he is the son of the very popular and universal athlete Peppy Golden Scooter. Karel Kubata placed third with A Hollywood Sweetie, a palomino mare with a great potential, owned by Pavel Mališ, which collected several very good placings on shows in the USA.

In senior reining we saw the highest score of 70,5 points for an experienced couple Irena Machalikova and April Doc Olena, horse being trained in Ranch Kostelany and owned by Vladimir Mandak. Second placed Ivan Cernoch with Littles First with the same score (owner Nova Amerika), member of the national reining team. On the third place we saw again a very well known couple Klara Salkova from Prosper Horse Ranch Celadna with Smart Chiconita (by Smart Chic Olena), member of the national reining team.

Reining amateur was won by Jaroslav Vilgos with Dream of Dry Doc (by Dry Doc Alejos by Dry Doc), second placed Harvankova Lucie with A Hollywood Imprint (mother by Hollywood Jac 86), third place Julinova Monika aboard Miss Bobby Jac Scoot, amateur rookie of the year, world show qualifier (father of the horse by Hollywood Dun It).

Youth: First placed Pavel Orel with Pretty Miss Starbuck, a member of the national team for the Euro Youth Cup in Mooslargue 2005. Second Marketa Zezulkova is also part of the team, moreover is a reserve champion in youth reining in the Czech republic for 2004 (with the horse Smart Maky Lena). Third placed Regina Prochazkova aboard Skippers King J.R. (by King of Skipper).

Show management would like to thank all the participants and assistants for the perfect show.


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